
Monday 4 August 2014

Jump shot

Jump shot by Norman Bilbrough

Profile – The Coach – Kenny McFadden
In your own words give a one sentence answer to each of the following questions.
1. How did Kenny McFadden get into sport when he was young?
Kenny McFadden came to New Zealand from the united states and their coach was a professional player, and that man inspired Kenny McFadden and other children to let out there potentials.

2. When did he start the Hoop Club?
Kenny was around nine that time and he went to school and had his first basketball practice.
Then on he got inspired to play more.

3. Is basketball a challenging sport?
In Kennys  words he would say if you don’t do proper stitches and warm ups it would be most likely harder, or challenging while you vers your other team.

4. What is Kenny’s favourite food?
Hamburgers and weetbix  for breakfast.

5. What advice does Kenny have for kids just starting out at basketball?
For them to make sure that they are listening to the coach. Make sure they are dribbling, make sure of their passes, and make sure they are learning their shooting skills, don't forget to eat your veggies.

6. Where was Kenny McFadden born?
He was born at United states then he then came to New Zealand.

Profile – The Player – ApitiTiHei Maihi
1. In the story, how old and how tall is ApitiTiHei?
He would be around  1.8 meters.
He recommended himself as, he does not really like his height  because if he goes against a shorter player he has to bend down. The height would be around 6 feet tall.
2. What is his favourite food?
He liked hamburgers and beetbix for breakfast
3. What does he like best at school, other than playing basketball?
Homework and cleaning his room, around school he likes art.
4. How would you describe ApitiTiHei Maihi ? Give reasons for your answer.

Referring to the text what are the common Basketball Injuries
1. Legs
4.and feet
Present to Past Tense:  Make the following text past tense by changing the underlined words.
The first game starts with a tip-off between ApitiTiHei and Te Amo, the tallest player in the girl’s team.  The boys get possession and move the ball quickly up the court.
There are two missed shots before ApitiTiHei does a terrific right-handed lay-up and scores the first goal.

What are two skills players learn at Hoop Club?
To practice shooting and do dribbling with the ball.

What is dribbling? Why do all players need to practise it?
This means that you can not hold on the ball more than 2 time only once.
And it is good no practice so that you can be better going near the hoop.

Who won the first game between  the boys and the girls?
The girls won near the boys as they have probably done a lot of practice.

What was the reason that this team won?
Because they play netball and basketball  and they had a longer time
practising and training were the boys didn’t get much time to practice.

Coach Kenny McFadden gives advice to his players; write this advice down in a list form.
To practice shooting

What do you think the word ‘substitute’ means?
This means you are acting or showing place.

What is one girls reaction when she finds out that Apiti is playing? Why do you think she has this reaction?
Maybe because he is really good or maybe she  knew him from another place.

How would Apiti have felt when he scored his first shot?
More into playing because he would feel more confident and happy giving his team a try.

What sorts of things would the assistant coach have said during the break between the games?
Well done for trying your best and he would probably say now they no what to get better at next time.

Why do you think Apiti does not tell anyone about his aims?
Because they think that he is only good at basketball but really he can do other sports.

“Shoot for the moon, because if you miss you’ll be amongst the stars “
What do you think this quote means?
For like just go for it and don't let anybody get in the way of you trying your best.
No matter what happens during your time.

Create a basketball team of 10 players only.
Your basketball team needs to consist of 10 famous players with different strengths.
You need to justify and state why you have chosen these specific players for your team.
You need to state your teams strengths.

Lastly you need to come up with an original name for your team

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