
Monday 24 March 2014

addition and subtraction

Addition and subtraction word problems using tidy numbers.

1. 359 - 276 = 123

2. 96 - 49 =53

3.736 - 93 =763

4. 836 - 497 =461

5. 3876 - 83 =38,133

6. 7364 - 837 =7,533

7.234 - 152 =7,122

8. 1893 - 651 =1242

9. 937 - 271 =746

10. 392 - 182 =210

Maria has $932 in her bank account and buys a new phone for $325. How much money does she have left?
900-300=600   30-20=10  5-2=3  600+10+3=613

Jason goes to Rainbows End and decides to take a few of his friends along. Jason pays for all of them and in total the day costs him $179. He went with $432 in his bank account. How much money does Jason now have in his account?
400-100=300    70-30=40    9-2=7   300+40+7=347

Mirabel knows that by putting her money in the bank it gets interest. She has $670 that she puts in her bank and mum puts in another $392 after Christmas and Mirabel’s birthday. How much money does Mirabel have in her account in total?
600-300=300    90-70=20   2-0=2   300+20+2=322

Janes cat has had operations one cost $792 and the other cost $496. How much has Jane’s family spend on the cats operations in total?
700-400=300   90-90=0    6-2=4  300+0+2=304

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