
Monday, 23 March 2015

Polyfest writing 2

Considering it was a Friday, and each student from team 5 had been given a permission slip, this meant I was one of those people that would play outside and forget to give my permission slip because I was too busy worrying about my weekend,  Monday can be usually a tired start to school as your weekend starts, when this happens it gives you the chance to stay up late. We were actually in luck since we had to give our permission slips by Thursday as that was the day we would leave for polyfest.

The day had come, this meant it was  time to experience polyfest 2015. As soon as we had got the opportunity to go polyfest I had seen things set out, there were so many stations that was laid out on one part of the field. When we had walked through the entrance gate we had been welcomed to ASB and there little station for people and students, I was considering there was gonna be other schools as it was a thursday. Things from the ASB section was to get a sticky note and write something we know about ASB, I had wrote dear ASB you company is such a privilege to our family you are such a good company, once the lady had received my peace of writing to stick it up on the wall she thought it was so lovely I had received a wrist band. Every other station had quizzes to try and win things such as a bottle and bag gifts and things in those gifts were sunglasses, sunblock, a fan, a ball and a bag that came with it. Even though we had station most of them we had to take a photo so they can show we had come to their station and to show we had come to polyfest.

We had needed parents to come along to help out with polyfest, once the teachers looked at the slips they had seen there was not as much parent helpers as they thought there would be, there was one more day left to polyfest and there was a letter given out to say please we need more parent helpers so parents had volunteered to help out. When we had heard that there was not as many parents as we needed the teachers were thinking to not go as there was not enough parent helpers, though we had received the good news that had said we are able to go as there had been volunteers to come along and help out. All of us had been great full to have the chance to go polyfest as we wouldn’t of been able to go without the parent helpers. At least we had made it for our 2015 polyfest. I was so grateful to have the privilege to go polyfest and that's why I said thank you.

Considering it was a friday, and each student from team 5 had been given a permission slip, this meant I was one of those people that would play outside and forget to give my permission slip because I was too busy worrying about my weekend,  monday can be usually a tired start to school as your weekend starts, when this happens it gives you the chance to stay up late. We were actually in luck since we had to give our permission slips by thursday as that was the day we would leave for poly fest.

The day had come, this meant it was  time to experience polyfest 2015. As soon as we had got the opportunity to go polyfest I had seen things set out, there were so many stations that was laid out on one part of the field. When we had walked through the entrance gate we had been welcomed to ASB and there little station for people and students, I was considering there was gonna be other schools as it was a thursday. Things from the ASB section was to get a sticky note and write something we know about ASB, I had wrote dear ASB you company is such a privilege to our family you are such a good company, once the lady had received my peace of writing to stick it up on the wall she thought it was so lovely I had received a wrist band. Every other station had quizzes to try and win things such as a bottle and bag gifts and things in those gifts were sunglasses, sunblock, a fan, a ball and a bag that came with it. Even though we had station most of them we had to take a photo so they can show we had come to their station and to show we had come to polyfest.

We had needed parents to come along to help out with polyfest, once the teachers looked at the slips they had seen there was not as much parent helpers as they thought there would be, there was one more day left to polyfest and there was a letter given out to say please we need more parent helpers so parents had volunteered to help out. When we had heard that there was not as many parents as we needed the teachers were thinking to not go as there was not enough parent helpers, though we had received the good news that had said we are able to go as there had been volunteers to come along and help out. All of us had been great full to have the chance to go polyfest as we wouldn’t of been able to go without the parent helpers. At least we had made it for our 2015 polyfest. I was so grateful to have the privilege to go polyfest and thats why I said thank you.

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